How Four Cs Determine the Value of a Diamond

As John Keats says “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”. A diamond is beautiful forever and a diamond is a joy forever. Every young girl waits for the most memorable day of her life. The day when the prince of her dreams kneels and brings out a diamond ring from his pocket and propose her in the most romantic way. The beauty and joy of the diamond are added to the beauty and joy of that day to make it the most memorable day. However, the apex of joy and beauty is achieved when you buy the right diamond, complete from every aspect. This article gives you the necessary information you need to buy a beautiful diamond. For this, you need to be familiar with the four Cs of the diamond.

The Cut

The scintillation and brilliance of a diamond depend on the cutting and polishing of diamond facets. In a properly cut diamond, the light entering from the top is reflected back through the top facet. It is cut in a way to maximise the light entering and reflecting through the diamond. The best use of light depends on the cut. No matter what is the shape, be it emerald, heart, pear, round, oval, radiant, princess or marquise, if the light entering from the top is escaping through the bottom, the beauty of a diamond is not maximised. The price of a rightly cut diamond is always higher.

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The Colour

A diamond in the purest form is perfectly transparent and colourless. However, due to some impurities and imperfections, the diamond is available in steel grey, black, white, brown, blue, purple, yellow, pink, green, red and orange colours. However, coloured diamonds are rare. Most of the diamonds have a slight touch of yellow colour. The colour scale of the diamond is graded on the basis of the amount of yellow colour present. You have to pay more to buy a transparent and colourless diamond.

The Clarity

The clarity of a diamond depends on the presence of flaws, blemishes or other defects when the diamond is seen under 10x magnification. Every diamond naturally has some tiny marks called inclusions. The clarity and beauty of a diamond depend on the amount inclusions. Fewer inclusions mean more clarity and beauty and more clarity means more price.

The Carat

The weight of diamond is measured in carats. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams. Large and white diamonds are rare and that’s why their price is higher. Here, it is important to note that two diamonds can be of equal carats, but their values may be different. This is so because the value also depends on the cut, clarity and colour. While purchasing a diamond from online jewellers in Ireland or any other part of the world, you have to be patience.

Author: Walter Bourke & Son

Walter Bourke and Son has been selling fashion designer jewelry and branded watches for personal adornment since 1959 in Enniscorthy. Every piece of beauty designed and crafted by acclaimed designers of much celebrated brands like Links of London, Calvin Klein, Daniel Wellington and many more. Jewelry and watches can be purchased from our shop and online store as well.

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